4 Vagas
Duração: 4 dias
Carga horária: 24h
- Marcelo de Sá Zamperlini – CROSP 71982
Rodolfo Amorim de Pádua – CROSP 61985 - Natureza: Teórica / Hands-on / Clínica
Transmite conhecimentos teóricos e práticos do conceito de reabilitação total usando a técnica “all-on-4”, capacitando os participantes a planejar e executar com segurança cirurgias e próteses com carga imediata, dentro de uma filosofia de trabalho com altos índices de sucesso e baseada em conceitos científicos e técnicos.
Turma de 6 a 9 de Março 2023
“Their doctors include highly qualified practitioners who come from a range of backgrounds and bring with them a diversity of skills and special interests. They also have registered nurses on staff who are available to triage any urgent matters, and the administration and support staff all have exceptional people skills”
“Their doctors include highly qualified practitioners who come from a range of backgrounds and bring with them a diversity of skills and special interests. They also have registered nurses on staff who are available to triage any urgent matters, and the administration and support staff all have exceptional people skills”
“Their doctors include highly qualified practitioners who come from a range of backgrounds and bring with them a diversity of skills and special interests. They also have registered nurses on staff who are available to triage any urgent matters, and the administration and support staff all have exceptional people skills”
Sami Wade
ProminaJohn Peter
OptimeIncSonia Blake
Koira IndAtendimetno
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